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Unlocking the Secrets 
of your Birth Chart

Align with your Truth and Flow


"In all Chaos there is a Cosmos. In all Disorder, a secret Order.

The starry vault of heaven is in truth the open book of cosmic projection,
in which are reflected the mythologems, i.e., the archetypes. 

In this vision, Astrology and Alchemy—the two classical functionaries
of the Psychology of the Collective Unconscious—join hands."

~ Carl Gustav Jung


I am here with the deep intention to support you in balancing and resetting your system. 

With gratitude for the possibility to be of service, we offer Four Levels of Alchemical Sessions below, each one designed to go deeper into your transformational journey:

With the LEVEL1 (60-Min) reading, you will receive guidance on the year ahead, how to use key transits in support of your intentions, and which natal placements in your chart are the most supportive for aligning with your journey. 


If you would like to know this, and also go a little deeper to work with your woundings and potential for alchemy, the LEVEL 2 (90-Min) reading is meant to include guidance for this part of your journey. We all experience pain and wounding, and it is by learning to shift the perception of these experiences that creates the alchemy that begins to shift our reality. You will  receive guidance on practical and concrete steps for alchemizing and transforming pain into light and wisdom.


And if you are feeling called to enter the portal of your birth chart in alignment with the support of the Shamanic realms, then the Level 3 and Level 4 sessions have been created to work with all parts of your natal chart, within a sacred, ceremonial space of reset and creation.


We will tune in to your Birth Chart alongside the nurturing Plant Spirit Medicine of Cacao and Oracle Card Guidance for the LEVEL 3 (120-Min) session.  


With the LEVEL 4 (150-Min) session, we will incorporate all three levels above and go a little beyond, with additional time to release all that you are ready to release with a Shamanic Chakra Balancing and Illumination for a full resetting experience.  

We are currently in deep transformational times, and I would love to be of support as you invest in YOU and your Beautiful Soul.


Tuning in to your Soul's Blueprint:
The Gifts of Hummingbird Medicine and the Ancient Cosmos

The Intersection between Art, Alchemy, Astrology and Shamanism

This presentation was with Shamans Directory, a non-profit 501(c) 3 organization dedicated to bringing Shamanic, earth-based wisdom to the world's doorstep. 

Together We Are Powerful Medicine™️

Two Ripples

"Mythology is meant to Inspire the Human Spirit."

- Joseph Campbell


Ancient Egyptian ~ Ancient Maya ~ Ancient Inca

With the profound wisdom and knowledge that everything is connected, our ancestors lived in deep alignment with the Serpentine Creative Energy of the Universe


They looked to the Cosmos—our Sun, Moon, Venus and the Fixed Stars—to plan important cycles of astronomy, agriculture, architecture, and many other parts of daily life. 

Ancient sites and temples were built to connect architecturally and astronomically with the times of the Equinoxes and Solstices. Ceremonies and rituals were also devoted to the cycles of the Moon and Venus, and their influence on the Earth.

The ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician, Pythagoras, referred to the harmonized motion of the planets as the ‘Music of the Spheres’.  By tuning in to the Symphony of the Universe, we may flow in harmonic resonance with the motion of these cosmic forces, and as we learn to align our journeys with the Rhythm and Wisdom of Divine Timing.


My fascination with the creative power of Alchemy and the Unconscious Mind has always been present behind all of my studies and passions.  As practiced by Carl Jung, symbols are the language of the unconscious. They provide a tool for our conscious mind to communicate with our unconscious, and with the Universal Mind.  My favorite part of my work in the Arts was always learning about the encoded symbolism in an artwork, and how these symbols were meant to connect us with deeper meanings. The resulting psychological and emotional internal shifts always felt alchemical and transformative from these interactions with art.

I have also always loved Mythology. As noted by mythologist and scholar, Michael Meade, "Myths are forever things that offer endless meanings to those willing to open their hearts and minds to the living mystery of life.  Myth is the original Language of our Soul." Thus, when connecting with the symbolism and power of myth—whether through poetry, literature, art, music, theater, film or astrology—an internal alchemical and transformative process also begins to unfold in our Psyche.

In addition to my training and practice in Alchemical Astrology with Matthew Kenney and Jocelyn Star Feather, it is this background in Art, Mythology and Symbolism that has been the foundation to my ability to read, interpret and translate the Symbolic and Encoded Language of a Natal Chart.  To me, tapping into intuitive guidance to decode the symbolism and meaning of a birth chart feels like decoding the message of a beautiful, mystical and sacred painting.


Most especially, 2020 allowed me to begin to immerse myself deeply into ancestral knowledge and my Peruvian heritage to connect with the true Intuitive Wisdom of the heart and soul … 

My additional Earth-based practices with alchemical medicinal plants, specifically through the Mayan Wisdom of Cacao—and in connection with the Andean Cosmovision and the alchemical heart-healing medicine of the Inca Q'ero Shamans of Perú—inspired me to create additional offerings in support of your transformational journey.

It is my joy to now be able to place this background, training and experience in service of your Creative Process and Alchemical Transformation.

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Birth chart Reading

Level 1: 60-minute Alchemical Session to look at Empowering Natal Placements and Activating Upcoming Planetary Transits

1 hour  /   $220

~ Your Birth Chart is your blueprint, and it gives you guidance and connection to the plan your Soul made for your journey in this lifetime ~

The Level 1 Birth Chart Reading is meant to connect you with the empowering natal placements that serve as support and guidance for your path. 


It also allows you to clearly see the current timing of your cycles and initiations, as well as activating upcoming planetary transits, allowing you to align your intended actions with the divine timing of the Cosmos. 


You Are Welcome To Choose 2 To 3 Of The Following Items To Focus On In Your Reading:

  • Your key opportunities & timelines for growth, breakthrough, and transformation in the upcoming year

  • Your North Node (soul purpose) and South Node (karma and past lives)

  • Your Sun (how you shine your light), Moon (emotions & how you feel safe), and Ascendant (driving force of your personality)

  • Your Midheaven and Saturn (career & building your legacy)

  • Your Venus, Mars, Juno, and Descendant (relationships and love)

  • The upcoming transits (2 to 12 months ahead) — We’ll explore how the eclipses, new & full moons, and planetary movements will specifically impact your life

  • Planetary rites of passage, including your Jupiter return / Jupiter opposition, Saturn return / Saturn opposition, Uranus opposition, and Venus / Mars return

  • Timelines and guidance for when to take action (or when not to) for your highest success and fulfillment

  • Any other questions you might want to ask the vast intelligence of the celestial realms

Solar Eclipse
Birth chart Reading

Level 2: 90-minute Alchemical Session, to look at placements of Highest Potential for Transformation, as well as Activating Transits and encoded Gifts of Empowerment for your Journey

1.5 hours /  $330

According to Jeff Green, the father of evolutionary astrology, our Soul has two main desires: to separate from Source in order to have its own experiences of growth and mastery, and then to have the joy of reuniting back with Source.  And everything we do during our journey is in alignment with those two deep desires of our soul.

During this 90-minute Birth Chart Reading, we will go over your natal gifts of empowerment, as well as the current & upcoming activating planetary transits, with additional time to cover the significance of your woundings, for a comprehensive look into the Meaning and Purpose of your Journey.

Each of us have challenges that have been with us from the beginning. We have pain that stays hidden some of the time, and then rears up more strongly at certain points in our lives.

Our shadow, woundings and challenges are an important & intrinsic part of who we are, and they DO have a purpose. They are clues and signposts to our deepest & most fulfilling purpose, talents, and treasure. 
They hold our biggest potential for alchemy. BUT in order to access these gifts, you must do the excavation work in order to find all of the gold hidden beneath the dark places.  

As Carl Jung said, "one does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious."

Astrology is incredibly helpful & healing for this kind of work, because it places a mythological, archetypal lens upon your challenges and places of wounding.

When we look at your wounded places using astrology, you will gain an entirely new understanding of your karma & soul contracts, your own unique hero’s journey of life, and together we’ll discover new ways that you can break through into the light.

We’ll uncover the deeper messages hidden in your natal placements, and I’ll give you concrete, practical and inspiring remediating guidance to transform places of challenge and pain into wisdom.

This is an extremely potent & healing session, designed to fully uplift your journey in alignment with your meaning and purpose.

New Moon

Unlock your Code.

Connect to your Higher Purpose.

Feel Good Within.

Birth chart Reading

Level 3: 120-Minute Ceremonial Session with Alchemical Birth Chart Reading, Cacao, Sound Frequencies, and Connection with your Mayan Archetypal Energy

2 hours  /   $440

~ Cacao brings Alchemical Healing to our Hearts, serving to Power Up our Inner Medicine and Sacred Intentions ~

In the words of Solveig Barrios, Founder of The Mayan Wisdom Project and daughter of Mayan Spiritual Leader, Carlos Barrios:


"Cacao supports conflict resolution and integration.  In the Mayan tradition, balance is the key to everything in life, and this means embracing our Duality.


The stars in the night sky can shine better due to the dark background.  The light and the dark are meant to collaborate with each other.  They are meant to support and nurture each other.


Our biggest strengths are hidden inside our biggest weaknesses, and it is by learning to look at our weaknesses with Love, Compassion and Understanding that they become our strengths." 

The Level 3 reading is a deep dive into your Birth Chart, alongside the Plant Spirit Medicine of Cacao, the most gentle nurturer and powerful guardian of our initiations


  • For this 2-hour session, you’ll prepare your Cup of Cacao ahead of our time together. 


  • We’ll begin our time in a space of tranquility, taking our first sips of Cacao together while tuning in to healing sound frequencies specific to your natal placements.

  •  We will then begin the 90-min journey of decoding the messages of your birth chart.


  • We will connect with the places where your soul has intended to undergo alchemy and transformation, as well as the encoded natal gifts of empowerment that are there to support your journey. 


  • We will take a look at the upcoming activating planetary transits so that you may time your intentions in alignment with the wisdom and divine timing of the Cosmos.


  • We will also tune in to the symbolism and meaning of your Mayan archetypal energy in connection with your birth chart for additional guidance.


For the most profound connection with the Plant Spirit Medicine of Cacao, Ceremonial Grade Cacao is recommended for your session due to its high vibrational quality. 


Some mission-driven, small companies that work in deep alignment with caretaking the transmission of the Sacred Cacao Tree are Keith's Cacao, Cacao Lab, KAKAO and The Mayan Wisdom Project. 


Cynthia received her Cacao Facilitator Training with the School of KAKAO and The Mayan Wisdom Project . 


If you would like to purchase Ceremonial Grade Cacao from The Mayan Wisdom Project, please visit this link: 


Ceremonial Grade Cacao: The Mayan Wisdom Project


If you would like to purchase Ceremonial Grade Cacao from KAKAO, please visit this link. (It will allow you 10% off your first order, or please use code HATHOR22 at checkout):


Ceremonial Grade Cacao: KAKAO


"The light is reached not by turning back from the darkness, but by going through it."
-Leonard Roy Frank

Birth chart Reading

Level 4: The Sympatheia Wellness Method: 150-Minute Ceremonial Session with Alchemical Birth Chart Reading, Cacao, Sound Frequencies, Connection with your Mayan Archetypal Energy, Shamanic Chakra Rebalancing and Illumination, and Oracle Card Guidance

2.5 hours /  $550

~ This is the Signature Alchemical Healing Session of Hathor Cacao ~

In the words of Solveig Barrios, Founder of The Mayan Wisdom Project and daughter of Mayan Spiritual Leader, Carlos Barrios:


"Cacao supports conflict resolution and integration.  In the Mayan tradition, balance is the key to everything in life, and this means embracing our Duality.


The stars in the night sky can shine better due to the dark background.  The light and the dark are meant to collaborate with each other.  They are meant to support and nurture each other.


Our biggest strengths are hidden inside our biggest weaknesses, and it is by learning to look at our weaknesses with Love, Compassion and Understanding that they become our strengths." 

The Level 4 reading is a deep dive into your Birth Chart, alongside the Plant Spirit Medicine of Cacao, the most gentle nurturer and powerful guardian of our initiations, and with additional time for an Andean Shamanic Chakra Rebalancing and Illumination. 


  • For this 2.5 hour session, you’ll prepare your Cup of Cacao ahead of our time together. 


  • We’ll begin our time in a space of tranquility, taking our first sips of Cacao together while tuning in to healing sound frequencies specific to your natal placements.

  • We will then begin the 90-Min journey of decoding the messages of your birth chart.


  • We will connect with the places where your soul has intended to undergo alchemy and transformation, as well as the encoded natal gifts of empowerment that are there to support your journey. 


  • We will take a look at the upcoming activating planetary transits so that you may time your intentions in alignment with the wisdom and divine timing of the Cosmos.


  • We will also tune in to the symbolism and meaning of your Mayan archetypal energy in connection with your birth chart for additional guidance.


  • Our session will conclude with a Shamanic Chakra Rebalancing and Illumination, and oracle card guidance for the full healing and release experience.




Chakras are vortices of energy that are connected to the nervous system at the spine.


A Shamanic Chakra Balancing and Illumination is an elegant process that upgrades the quality of our energy field via our chakra system.  It erases unhealthy imprints that have been encoded in our energetic body and overwrites them with new information that will begin to improve the quality of the information in the entire system.


This upgrade process restores the affected chakra to its original brilliant color and high vibration. And it allows us to release and transform the harmful emotions that no longer serve us as we begin to shed the stories of our past to live in alignment with our deep inner truth and balance.


For the most profound connection with the Plant Spirit Medicine of Cacao, Ceremonial Grade Cacao is recommended for your session due to its high vibrational quality. 


Some mission-driven, small companies that work in deep alignment with caretaking the transmission of the Sacred Cacao Tree are Keith's Cacao, Cacao Lab, KAKAO and The Mayan Wisdom Project. 


Cynthia received her Cacao Facilitator Training with the School of KAKAO and The Mayan Wisdom Project . 


If you would like to purchase Ceremonial Grade Cacao from The Mayan Wisdom Project, please visit this link: 


Ceremonial Grade Cacao: The Mayan Wisdom Project


If you would like to purchase Ceremonial Grade Cacao from KAKAO, please visit this link. (It will allow you 10% off your first order, or please use code HATHOR22 at checkout):


Ceremonial Grade Cacao: KAKAO


"Know Thyself."
- Socrates

"Cynthia is a compassionate and passionate soul. I’ve had two readings with her, and I’m so grateful for the knowledge & gifts that she shares. My first natal chart reading helped me to connect with the foundations
of who I am at my core essence.

My second reading with Cacao and a Chakra Illumination was magic! Cynthia showed me ways to truly embrace the knowledge of my natal chart and
how my life’s journey is continually opening pathways.

Cynthia has also helped open my heart to the beauty & compassion that the gift of Cacao offers to all. The Chakra Illumination had
my entire body humming, feeling light & free.

Thank you, Cynthia, for opening my eyes & heart to
these beautiful new experiences."

~ Karey, Michigan, United States

Gas Fireplace

What is Alchemical Astrology?

Alchemical Astrology, as taught by Jocelyn Star Feather, Founder of Sacred Planet, connects us with the Highest Potential of our Birth Chart.


It works with the Hermetic Principles of Ancient Egypt for our Soul's Journey of Growth, Transformation, Renewal, and Radiance.

In line with the symbolic language of Jungian Depth Psychology, Mythology, the Elements and the Archetypes, it also provides deep connection to our Soul and to our Authentic Self.

As a practitioner of Andean Shamanic Energy Medicine, I deeply resonate with Alchemical Astrology because it also beautifully correlates with the Shamanic healing arts as follows:


It illuminates Inner Wholeness by harmonizing the Sacred  Feminine and the Sacred Masculine Forces Within

Carl Jung called the polarities of the Feminine and Masculine forces operating inside us the Anima and the Animus.  Often in astrology readings, the only two feminine placements considered are the Moon and Venus.  By also looking at the placements of key Goddess Asteroids in our charts—in addition to the classical planets—we begin to feel a sense of rebalancing between the dualities operating in our inner world.  This shift then starts a process of alchemical transformation in our psyche that allows us to feel a sense of Inner Wholeness, which then reflects in harmonious outward Manifestation.


It extracts our places of Subconscious Wounding and brings them to Conscious Awareness for Transformation

The greatest premise of the Great Alchemical Work is to transform our Shadow into Light.  In the words of Rumi, "The Cure for the Pain is in the Pain." Alchemical Astrology considers the asteroid Chiron and its natal placement in our chart. Chiron, the Wounded Healer in Greek Mythology, shows us the place of our deepest wounding, but also the place where our brightest light can shine.  By consciously working with the asteroid known as the Galactic Shaman, we learn to transmute Pain into Purpose, transforming difficult placements into sources of Power and Wisdom.


It aligns us with the Wisdom of Nature and the Cosmos, and it infuses our journey with Mythic Meaning

Our Earth goes through cyclical seasons of creation and growth. Just like Nature doesn't rush, and she's always on time, so the Cosmos is Cyclical and connected with Divine Intelligence.  Likewise, our Soul goes through specific and timed initiations based on planetary movements. When we become aware of these cyclical patterns, we find comfort in understanding when we are being guided towards introspection and when we are more fully supported for empowered action.  By seeing our charts as mythic maps with connected guidance for our journey, we can better align with the Rhythm of Universal Flow.


It works with the Invisible Realms in tandem with the Principles of Intention and Quantum Physics

David Bohm's quantum physics experiments with the Particle and Wave theory demonstrate that our reality is created by where we place our attention. "Energy flows where Attention goes."  We are each here with our own unique purpose to meet. Along our journey, we will likely find challenges, but while keeping sharp focus on our key points of support and empowerment, we stay aligned with our true intention.  We begin to shift our reality–the Momentum Tunnel of our lives–turning Probability into Possibility, and developing into the Most Radiant and Most Aligned Expression of our Soul.

Book Your
Alchemical Session

In gratitude for the sharing of their heart-opening wisdom, Hathor Cacao pledges a portion of earned profits to Centro Cultural Hatun Q'eros in Perú

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